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DERMALOG Skin-cure TM is a special cream with a high fat percentage (63%) very dry and difficult skin.If you have very or extremely dry skin, skin-cure is the right product to apply to smaller areas of skin or to dry skin spots on the arms and legs that need extra care.It is also important to protect the skin if you are going out in cold weather. Spread skin cure on exposed areas of skin about 20 minutes before going out into the cold - and you will protect the skin from frost damage and drying out.For dry, chapped and "broken" handsUse a very small amount of Skin cure to soften and protect creaky hands that almost turn red and bleeding at the knuckle this autumn/winter. Also use Skin-cure as complementary cream, e.g. if you are being treated for hand eczema with a steroid product.Are you being treated with steroidal cream? Skin in treatment with steroid cream needs extra moisture and fat. Try Skin-cure for the creaking skin and for nostrils, mes, etc., which often dry out during medical treatment.Without perfume. Without preservatives. Developed by Danish dermatologists for Nordic skin.Active Pharmacological EffectTM