Ivy Aïa Eyelash & Eyebrow Serum The recent time has become crazy popular and this rightly.
Eyelash serum from Ivy aïa. Can give both stronger, longer and more comprehensive lashes, and who doesn't want it? But the price difference in the various serum is great, and it can be difficult to choose from the many variants.
One of the products from Ivy Aïa, which is extremely high and also has super good effect, is Ivy Aïa Eyelash Serum. This product is also affordable to pay at a cost of 80-90 kr. No coincidence that it has become a very popular choice when investing in Eyelash or Eyebrow Serum.
The active substance in Eyelash & Eyebrow serum
The vast majority of EyeShrow serum contains the active substance prostaglandin, which penetrates the hair follicle and stimulates the hair to grow. The problem is just that prostaglandin is a drug that can have serious side effects for both eye patients and pregnant, and which can also cause violent allergic reactions. In Sweden, it is forbidden to sell cosmetic products that contain prostaglandin, and in Denmark the National Board of Health is right now by looking at the case.
Eyelash & Eyebrow serum without prostaglandin
Ivy Aïa's Eyelash & Eyebrow Serum is made in two editions, which are generally referred to as "the new" and "the old". The difference between these two is that "the new" is certified by allergy caused, which means that they do not contain allergenic and endocrine disruptors and classified carcinogens and perfume. *
”The new "Ivy Aïa Eyelash Serum Do not contain the harmful substance prostaglandin. Instead, it contains the active and completely harmless and harmless ingredients peptides and biotin, which are the substances that give the desired effect.
”The old "edition of Ivy Aïa Eyelash & Eyebrow Contains prostaglandin in the form of the substance Dechloro dihydroxia Difluoro ethylcloprostenolamide.
"The new" vs "the old"
Both Ivy Aïa Eyelash and Eyebrow serum editions show good results if used as indicated on the package. Several says they know the new, certified versions, a little longer to see results (about 4-6 weeks), where with the old version you could see the result after 3-4 weeks.
At zero allergy.dk we sell only products with allergy certified logo, so that you can at zero allergy only buy the new, certified editions of Ivy Aïa Eyelash & Eye Serum ☺
*Allergy caused If the absolutely strictest requirements in the world in relation to the approval of products, so when a product is certified and carries their logo, as a consumer, you can be absolutely sure that it does not contain unwanted chemistry. In addition to allergenic substances, allergy caused also checks for classified endocrine disrupting and carcinogens, and the products must also not contain perfume.
Link for further information:
- https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/miljoe/miljoestyrelsen-undersoeger-om-oejenvippe-serum-er-farligt
- https://kemi.taenk.dk/gode-raad/oejenvippeserum-vaer-opmaerksom-paa-disse-omdiskuterede-stoffer
The new edition The old edition of Ivy Aïa Eyelash & Eye Serum